Customer Journey Map
A visualization of the customer experience from entrance points and awareness of the Lumo Lift, to the purchase funnel, to the post-purchase use. Includes all the user touchpoints to customer service/product/engineering. Also a chart of thoughts and feelings of the user throughout the entire process. We can use this document to get a holistic view of the customer journey and identify points that need improvement or can be expanded.
The Process
I started this project with post-its and whiteboard markers on my desk. I quickly ran out of room and decided to move to paper.
Draft 1
The first paper draft includes "swim lanes" for each different element of the customer journey: the User, Emails they receive from us, customer service, Product, and Engineering. The arrows show all the possible pathways a user could pursue following each new step in their journey. Our goal as a product team is to keep pushing them to the right, further into the funnel of purchase and post-purchase - and to keep their Thoughts and Feelings as positive as possible.
I had to spread out on the office's kitchen table because I couldn't find another space big enough for my paper
After creating Draft 1, I ran a meeting between all the employees in Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, and Product in which I led them through each step of the journey that I had laid out and asked for their feedback and any missing information along the journey. People made a lot of discoveries in the meeting as well, such as realizing how many emails we send to subscribers each week and how much of our sales come from Facebook Ads as opposed to other avenues. It's cool to see so many different silos of the company in one room connected over the cohesiveness of all their parts within the whole.
I had the whole company stand around the main whiteboard while I presented the Customer Journey Map at our Weekly Recap meeting.